How addicted are you to your cell phone? According to the health ministry's admission on Wednesday, talking for too long on a cell
phone could be seriously affecting your health.
Quoting a small-scale PGI Chandigarh study, health minister Ghulam Nabi Azad said on Wednesday that sensorineural deafness could occur in 30% of people using mobile phones for more than two hours a day over a two-year period.
Azad said people should not talk on their mobile phone continuously for more than one hour a day.
According to Azad, the use of hands free technology could reduce the side effects of excessive use of mobile phone on users, including hearing defects. "In a research study done in PGI, excessive use of mobile phones was found to cause deficient hearing and tinnitus (ringing in the ears)," Azad said.
Meanwhile, the ministry's admission should finally be able to make the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) sit up and approve the proposal to conduct a large study to gauge the exact effect cell phone use has on human health.
ICMR has been sitting on the proposal to study the effects of radio frequency radiation (RFR) from mobile phones on humans for over a year now.
Indian scientists had found during animal studies that radiation emitted from mobile phones caused DNA damage, low sperm count leading to infertility and reduction in testis size in rats.