Monday, January 17, 2011

Why is India still a Developing Economy

What is the definition of a Developed Economy? Wikipedia states that "The term developed country is used to describe countries that have a high level of development according to some criteria." What is this criteria? Has anyone come across the clearcut definition of this. This question is bigger and even bigger is the debate that it carries with itself.

Talking about India, when we categorically analyze these factors that differentiate between a Developed and a Developing economy, we come across many shortcomings with our own existence.

Looking around the world, we Indians are the most widely spread of the lot. More than 40% Indians have occupied NASA, the best brains available at the top Installations of Research are Indians. The biggest takeovers are done by Indians. A core industry like BPO has been revolutionized because of Indians.

So if we are so capable of doing things, then why is India is such a developing nation. We help create Developed economies, but what about our own Nation.

Here is where our shortcomings come into picture:

Our working style: Every year lacs of graduates come out of colleges, but without the key ingredient, the FIRE to do something.

We fail to ask "Why". Why is such a thing happening. We have this tendency to adjust with even the wrong things that are happening around.

Convenience is what we look for. Even if a Ten Rupee note gets the job done, the person won't hesitate to pay. they don't understand one simple thing that this Ten Rupee note will grow exponentially and hit them only at a later stage.

We have big brains working around the world, but in what way are they contributing to this nation's cause.
In a recent revelation it came out that US wanted to patent Yoga, Turmeric, etc.

We have this habit of loosing our legacy to others. We lost the ancient art of Sushatr which is known as Plastic Surgery today.
Nobody argues the fact that Zero and the arithematic system are Indian inventions.
Kalaripattu, Badminton, Chess all are credited to foreign countries.

This can be continued into tens of thousands of pages, but the real crux is that we have lost our legacy that has led to us being categorized as a Developing economy for so many years. The Golden Period of India had more wealth than the whole world combined.

Readers, let us unite for a cause that will accelerate us into the Bigger league. Lets shirk our "ape like " attitude. We should be proud of our country whose Science, Maths, Innovations, Culture had no equal once. If the world tries to pay the debt it owes to this country, maybe the Sun will exhaust its fires till then.

Be proud of your Nation.
Nothing is Greater than that.

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